Being Vulnerable.

I have been maintaining this blog since 2007, and the last time that I wrote about vulnerability was in 2010. Yet, even in rereading that post from long ago, I see all of the areas in which I have continued to expand and learn about vulnerability. In the past, I have always used the words, such as openness, honesty and availability, but not really lived them fully. At the first sign of difficulty or struggle, I would shut off, just like a light switch, or run and hide. I am not certain of the origin of this way to cope, and it doesn’t really matter. But over time, it was no longer even immediately effective and in the long run, did damage to myself and to others.

I am in no way condemning my learning around vulnerability; I am so grateful for every single way in which I have been receiving the lessons around it. And, I love being able to look back at the progress I have made to encourage me to keep opening, bit by bit.

Today, I stand in Life more vulnerable than ever before. I say things that are difficult but necessary; I show up as my authentic self, in all areas of Life most of the time. Yet, I still get scared sometimes. Scared to be rejected, scared to look weird or different, scared to not know what may happen.

Yet, I know that is all part of it. Every thing that happens that feels like pain, or hurt, helps me to learn and to grow. And, reminds me of the fleeting nature of Life, and how being grateful for all that Life brings is what helps me to sustain and to keep my heart open. When I feel pain inside of myself, I do my best to just allow it to be there, without having to blame someone or something for it, or telling the story in my head and to others over and over again. Just let it be, and it passes.

Of course, I will continue to learn what vulnerability really means the more days that I am here. And I look forward to every lesson.

I Am a Writer.



I said no, probably at least three times in as many ways. I was not going to spend $297 on an online course about writing. Why bother? I knew what I had to do to write- I just had to DO IT. I didn’t need writing experts to tell me that. I don’t need creative writing prompts and ideas. I have many ideas in my head- I just lack the discipline and drive to get them onto paper.


Today, I am eating the ENTIRE humble pie. I am grateful for humility. I am grateful for politely, yet firmly, telling my arrogant know-it-all self to shut up. I am grateful for my remembering that I am worth investing in, and that I can afford. I am grateful for pleasure, self love, and being playful. For laughter and vulnerability. I am grateful for Waking Up.




After three no’s, I said Yes to easily, one of the most profound experiences of my life, completing the Setting Your Writer’s Voice Free course. There was no doubt that once I began it, that I would complete it. But, what I didn’t know definitively was what I was seeking in it, at least, not in the very beginning. What I thought the reason was that I decided to yes to this course, was so that I could increase my chances of getting published, which has been a long held dream of mine, albeit out of reach in my mind. I also believed that it could help me to become a writer and get paid for writing opportunities. I was even pursuing some at home writing options to be able to stay home, get paid, and in between, work on my big book. I thought that by getting the ears of two well known, published writers in this course, one of them being SARK, whom I have adored for years, I would then know the “secrets” of becoming “successful”. 


And, I was scared shitless to find out. And, to encounter other writers who, most likely, would be better than me. Who would judge me secretly for not writing “stories”. Who would live in different parts of the country, or the world, that enabled more success in these efforts. I was scared to be judged, and to find out that the dream of being a writer would only ever be a dream. 


In our first session, we were reminded by Dr. Scott that we each have our own unique voice, our own perspective of the world, and it is our contribution to the entire symphony of the Universe. Although, intellectually, I understood this, I wondered how that could be true? I mean, wasn’t the sign of being a good writer that people could easily identify with what you write about? How unique could our voices be? And, was there really room in this world for so many unique voices to be heard? To be published? To be successful? I was, again, so filled with fear! Wanting to defend myself to people that I hadn’t even met yet. I was afraid to read the writing of others, and see how much better they were at expressing themselves than I was. 


One thing that I love about myself, is that even when I feel afraid, I plow through and try something anyway. I take a risk. However, with that comes a canoe full of self doubt. An ocean liner, for that matter.  THE TITANIC. Yep, it feels that dramatic at times. So, I started slowly, reading the samples of writing that other persons in the course were posting. I made comments, but would worry if I sounded genuine or fake? Am I over the top in my praise? Then, they might not have clicked “like” on my comment (this is a Facebook page) so I wondered, what does that mean? Still, I kept going, I kept reading, and I started posting my own writing on the page. Many people saw my posts, but hardly any likes or comments. What did that mean? Oh no! I suck! People don’t get me! Yet another external “confirmation” for me to see myself as a freak, an oddball, not fitting in anywhere. Yet, I kept at it. I kept reading, and I kept writing. I even posted a link to my blog, and wondered if that was “too much” of myself. 


Beautifully, something shifted in me after our first two sessions. Something broke open that had been locked up within me, and although I perceived that something as being unavailable to me, I was wearing the key to unlock it around my neck. I don’t know if it was belief, acknowledgment, or a deepening understanding. But, one day, I just suddenly saw myself as a Writer. I no longer called myself a person who likes to write, who is taking a course, a person who wants to BE a writer. I put the key in the lock, turned it, and heard it click:



I had never said it before. The word writer gets used for those that are paid for their writing. Who have their words published on paper. Blogs don’t count- that’s not REAL writing. I had been invested for years in not seeing myself as a writer, even though my love of writing had been encouraged and nurtured in me since I was ten years old. It filled me up, it brought me joy, and flutters to my heart, butterfly wings in the soul. My writing drew persons to me, bees to the flower, by the dozens. Yet, I only saw the action, I didn’t see who I really was. The moment that I unlocked those self imposed chains, I was free. Free to write endlessly and fearlessly, just for me. Free to savor lusciously every tidbit of writing that others posted. Free to gush and goo and revel in all of that magic deliciousness. As I read the writings that my fellow writers shared, I remembered that there is an open invitation and space for all of our voices, and, that all of our voices together is what creates the most beautiful music. 




Sure, solos can be exciting, and having a spotlight just for me can create a sense of importance. But, it is fleeting. It disappears quickly and I am left with emptiness. Community of voices is pure, unique, inviting, and warm. It is the first hot chocolate of the fall. It is delicious, satisfying and comforting. It reminds me that I am not alone. I am among friends. I am love, and I am loved.


I am in the nurturing stage of turning the soil, planting the seeds patiently, and caring for each tiny vessel to burst to life. I write wildly every day- at home, at a cafe, at the office, when I travel. I am filling books and using colorful pens. I am stunned at how different I feel when my words appear in purple ink, rather than the standard black or blue. It calls the joy of it back to itself. It is savoring the richness of chocolate cake with an inch of frosting, decadent and delightful. Every bite more delicious than the last. 




I have tools and solutions if I feel discouraged, overwhelmed, or unmotivated. I have a community of new friends to cheer me on, and I get to do that for them, too. I am writing poetry, prose, and inspiration. I have set myself free to fly high, and to ride the wind and trust that it will carry me where I will best and most safely land. I can trust that this path is not only my writer’s path, but my Spirit path.  I am Home. 







Telling the Truth.

ID-100225739I am a truthful person, and keep discovering how telling the truth helps move me forward in my life journey.  Yet today I proved to myself, yet again, that telling the truth is the only way for me to live a meaningful life.


While spending time with a friend this afternoon, I told her the truth about something significant and deeply personal going on in my life.  Although I suspected she knew a bit of what I wanted to share with her, I wasn’t sure how much.  I told her, I cried, I felt such relief and joy that the truth was known, fully.  And, I felt like it brought us closer in some ways.


In any given moment, on any day at any time, I can choose to conceal my truth from the outside world.  I can do it in minor ways, like saying I am “fine” when really I am hurting inside.  Or, I can do it in more significant ways, like telling a story about myself that isn’t true.  Even though there are variations of lying to others, and ourselves, lies are lies.  They destroy.  They keep us in darkness.  They allow us to play a part in this world that is not authentically who we are.


So, telling the truth feels better.  But initially, and even in midstream, it feels super scary.  Will I be judged?  Will this person really understand what it is that I am going through?  Will they still be there with me?  Will I be standing alone in all of this?


We all want to be loved for who we really are.  Yet, we are also afraid to tell the truth, and be our authentic selves with one another.  We can’t have it both ways; if we want authenticity, if we want the opportunity to be loved for who we are, then we have to show and tell others who it is that we are.  We have to stand in that truth.  We have to feel certain that no matter what the outside world seems to say about it, that being ourselves is really the only way to be.  


It is the pathway to freedom and peace.


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Complex simplicity.

I am a very emotional person.  What I mean by that is, I am very openly expressive about my emotions and my feelings.  I write them, I show them, I speak them, I express them in every aspect of my being.  Usually, it doesn’t matter if I am in the company of an employer, my partner, my extended family, friends, or students or acquaintances.  If I feel it, I will express it, more than likely.  In the most genuine way that I know how.  I call that living from the heart.  Living as genuinely as possible. 

I also consider this as getting out of my head.  Sure, I analyze a lot of things, and sometimes that analyzing takes place just in my head space.  But I try not to cater to that a great deal.  I try to keep my analyzing, my state of being, as true and connected to my heart as possible.  I think that when we stay stuck in our heads too much, we complicate our lives.  We create a complexity that ends up tiring us out, frustrating us, causing additional stress.  The simplicity of it all is living more heart centered, therefore I call this self-defined phenomenon complex simplicity.  That which is simple, to live heart centered, which we make more complex as humans, because we insist on living in our heads for so many parts of our lives.  Complex simplicity.

As I have learned and grown, and figured out my emotional state of being as a gift rather than a burden, I have come to realize that there are not many persons that I have met so far in my life who desire to  be vulnerable.  If anything, humans avoid being emotionally vulnerable if at all possible.  People on the whole don’t like to be in any position when their hearts and souls can be exposed for possible damage or danger.  Who could fault a person for that, for wanting to not be trampled on, to not want to have that which we consider most precious hurt in some way? 

The thing is, before I realized how many persons are afraid of that, I thought that there were many more people like myself, who were really okay with being honest emotionally, allowing their vulnerability to come through, being transparent and genuine and laying down their guard with others.  I believed it when people told me what they really felt, only to find out that I had only been allowed to see the very surface.  Most persons that I know in my life, past and present, barely let me know who they were, and are, in any genuine way.  Several factors influence this:  fear, shame, resentment……. whatever the reason, being guarded and protected for them is really the only way to go.

Not me, however.  That has created moments of great pain, and great joy for me in my short life so far.

For me to connect with that vulnerable, center core of my very being, is to be fully real.  It is just who I am, honestly.  I have no idea how to be any different, no matter who I am with.  Even if I am the college instructor whose class ends up being more of a support group for students at times; even if I reach out to a friend who is disconnected from me for whatever reason a dozen times, only to not have my phone call returned, simply because I miss her; even if tell a person out loud what a believer in Christ I am, when religion is so not supposed to be talked about; even if I proudly brag about our nontraditional, loving family, knowing full well that the person I am speaking with has no warmth or acceptance for a gay person……. I am being authentic, genuine, loving, and ME.  Really, the only way that I know how to be, and now, today, the only way that I want to be or am willing to be. 

And, I feel like that complex simplicity, of staying out of my head and living fully in my heart, is SO worth it.  I want others to see, feel, and believe how awesome it truly is.  To be present, to be centered, to feel and speak and know and understand all from our heart place.  To trust that we can make good choices for our lives and that all will be well……… to be guided by forces that cannot be touched, but that we know are there.  I did not grow up being taught actively how to live from the heart, but I know what it feels like, despite the painful moments and the disappointments and tears and struggles.  The joys far outweigh it. 

Get out of your head; get into your heart.  Stay there, set up shop, get comfortable.  And take that uniqueness out into the world…….

Go forth and conquer, my friend.
